Recent Updates
It Ain't Easy Being Green
Rigorous horticultural practices and attention to detail enabled our nursery to be one of the first certified, and we are so excited to have USDA approval!
Hemp Strategy 2020
Joint Workshop
Join Infinite Tree and the Jackson Soil & Water Conservation District to explore new technical and financial resources for your farm.
Announcing BlueDelicaC
This striking cultivar brings together the known benefits and market recognition of CBD with the exciting and rare CBC. Available this season, place your orders to secure availability.
Invited Lecturer
Join Infinite Tree and iSELECTFUND for the Agrifood Conversations Weekly Food and Ag Webinar. It is in everyone’s interest, from farmer to retailer, to understand how exciting new hemp varieties affect their business, and to also understand the potential caveats.
Why CBC and How it Helps Your Grow
With all the attention Blue DelicaC has been getting as a new CBC and CBD hemp line, we wanted to share information on CBC's relevance to your body and the market.
The Agronomics of Autoflower
Learn more about the ins and outs of growing autoflower. Also check in to see how to attend our next workshop in-person or online.
How to Avoid a Hot CBG Crop
There are many questions you need to be asking your seed or plant supplier. CBG crops from 2019 are coming in hot, don't let this happen to you in 2020!
Entomology & Acarology Workshop
Get hands-on training and information about identifying important pests of Cannabis from leading scientists.
Quoting CEO Emily Gogol, PhD
Thanks Hemp Industry Daily! I was just doing my part by commenting on the USDA's website, and if you have't yet, please do so.
Hemp Strategy 2020
Learn more about the best practices for growing hemp and develop a comprehensive strategy. Check in to see how to attend our next workshop in-person or online.
Invited Lecturer
Our CEO, Emily Gogol PhD, was invited to speak at the CDB Expo West in San Diego. Check out the video from the 'Designer Genes' and 'Cannagriculture' talks!
Invited Lecturer
Our CEO, Emily Gogol PhD, was invited to speak at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting